Our School
Mission Statement
Counselor's Corner
So glad to be part of the WCECHS team!
Email: nknight@wcsnc.org
Google Voice Number for Texting: (252) 320-9674
2nd Period Planning (9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)
English II Syllabus
English IV Syllabus
❖ No late homework will be accepted. A 20% penalty will be applied to the classwork and projects of a student with an unexcused absence. Students with an excused absence will have five days to complete makeup work before receiving a 20% penalty. After ten school days, missing assignments will receive a zero.
❖ Students are expected to complete a missed test/quiz within five school days of their return (unless otherwise discussed with the teacher). Work due on the day of the absence needs to be submitted within five days. Skipping class will result in a zero for any assignments/assessments completed that day.
❖ Any form of plagiarism/cheating will result in a zero and a referral to administration.