Washington County Elementary School
Home of the Panthers!
Read a good book for 30 minutes a day.
12-10-24 - 6:00 pm - WCS BOE Meeting
12-12-24 - 5:00 pm - Town of Plymouth Christmas Parade
12-13-24 - Progress Reports
12-14-24 - 12:oo pm - Town of Roper Christmas Parade
12-14-24 - Town of Creswell Christmas Parade
12-17-24 - Winter Holiday Multicultural Cantata
12-19-24 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Community viewing of the new site
12-19/20-24 - Non-Instructional Days for Students (Mandatory Workdays for Staff)
12-23/1-3-24 No School
1-6/8-25 - New School Site
1-8-25 - 5:00 PM: Open house for students
1-9-25 - Students' First Day in the new building
December Character Education Traits: Self-Esteem and Self-Respect
WCS - Lifting As We Climb