Lennon Wall, attending The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English and a Masters degree in Education. I plan to teach English at the 9th-12th grade level. CTE classes have helped prepare me for the rigorous courses I am taking in college. CTE has also given me key knowledge in technology use that has helped me excel in my classes.
CTE Testimonials

Lennon Wall

Ja'tron Simpson
Institution: High Point University
Major: Doctorate in Pharmacy and Master’s in Business Administration
Future: Infectious Diseases Pharmacist
"STEM-based classes and HOSA helped me discover my passion for science and healthcare. I enjoyed anything dealing with science it amazed me how in-depth it can go. Also, I’m a people person. So me being apart of both helped me pick the career I’m currently pursuing."

Melanie Burnett
University: UNC Greensboro
Major: Pursuing a Master’s degree in Counseling with a concentration in Clinical Mental Health
Goal: "After receiving my Master’s degree in Counseling, I plan to work with minority women and girls who have experienced traumas such as Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence, sexual assault, rape, and child molestation.”
How have CTE classes impacted you: “Ultimately, CTE classes have impacted me by providing me with the beginning resources, opportunities, and experiences to jumpstart my development as a Black female professional.”

Jasper Swain
Career: Automotive Salesman/Management
Job Title: Finance Manager in training
Employer: Doug Henry in Greenville NC
Goal: “I plan to own an independent car dealership. I plan to give people the same chance I was given. I started with minimum experience!”
“CTE classes have impacted me in a very positive way. I took what I learned and I’m applying it everyday in my work life. My favorite CTE classes were Microsoft Word and Excel. Learning about spreadsheets taught me a lot about having to be organized when keeping up with business records”

Danisha Rouson
College: Winston Salem State University
Major: Secondary Education, Mathematics
Goal: After college I will be pursuing my Master’s degree in curriculum and teaching mathematics at the high school level.
"CTE classes prepared me for financial planning and writing SMART goals for myself. The courses have impacted me greatly because I find myself using these skills nearly everyday."

Dinah Matthews
College: University of NC at Greensboro
Major:Community and Therapeutic Recreation with a concentration in Therapeutic Recreation
Goal: To become a Certified Recreational Specialist and join the Navy.
“CTE courses impacted my life a lot. I’d say that they were the fundamental stepping blocks that led to many of my successful moments. Taking CTE classes and gaining hands on experience in high school helped to ease my experience in clinical settings today."

ZyAsia Carter
College: North Carolina Central University
Major: Kinesiology with a Sports Medicine concentration.
Goal: To get a masters and work as a Rehabilitation Therapist or Physical Therapist.
"CTE classes help to improve my critical thinking skills, time management, and communication skills. CTE classes help to prepare and give me options for different career paths. I also received a certification in Adobe Visual Design."

Daneya Rouson
College: Winston-Salem State University
Major: Business Administration with a Concentration in Management Information Systems and a Financial Services Minor
Goal: After college I desire to join the Teach for America corps and serve a two year commitment as an educator in a low-income school district. Following my journey with the corps, I plan to use my experience in the school system to start a nonprofit organization that benefits marginalized communities in poverty stricken areas by providing them with opportunities to learn technology readiness.
"Taking the CTE courses helped me discover my personal interest in technology. These classes really helped me make my decision while selecting my Major and concentration. I feel that the CTE program helped prepare me for college by sharpening my technology skills."

Michaela B. Davenport, RN
College: University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Degree: Bachelors of Science in Nursing
Jobt Title: Registered Nurse II
Employer: Vidant Medical Center in the Medical Intensive Care Unit-COVID ICU.
Goal: I would like to potentially further my education and receive either a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or a Nurse Practitioner.
"CTE classes have helped me so much throughout college and in my career! In college I took all of my notes on my computer. My CTE classes in high school helped me to learn how to effectively type. With this knowledge, I was able to type everything that my professors said. In turn, my grades were phenomenal! The business CTE classes have really helped me to learn personal finance. I distinctly remember taking a course on balancing a checkbook and learning about dividends and other financial aspects. To this day, I am one of the only people my age who balance my checkbook. I’ve never over-drafted my account, and I’ve been able to make very good financial decisions I.e. buying a car and my first home."

Janel Dixon
College: North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Major: Social Work
Goal: To become a Mental Health Facilitator
“CTE classes helped me earn various credentials. I received my Microspft Personal Finance made a lasting impact. This class allowed me to learn more about financial institutions, loans, and credit scores. It also helped me understand the importance of credit."

Olin Wynn
Major: Communication
College: East Carolina University
Career goal: To becoming a Creative Director.
CTE classes helped prepare me for my future.

Joshua Boyd
Job Title: Forklift Operator/Heavy Equipment Operator
Employer: Weyerhaeuser Lumber Mill
Goal: To expand my business to a full time enterprise.
"I became a entrepreneur in high school. I had to develop a business plan in Principles of Business. I created my business cards as an assignment and used them when I started my pressure washing and detailing business."

Breyonna Lawrence
Degree: Bachelors of Science in Communication with a Concentration in Public Relations
College: East Carolina University
Graduate Student: Master of Arts in Communication Program
Job Titles: Creative Director of Kingdom Assistance, LLC & Graduate Assistant for West Greenville Health Council
Goal: To continue my passion for brand development and creative directing for health care corporations and small business owners.
"During my high school career, I enrolled in various CTE classes ranging from finance to computer development that enhanced my skills as an aspiring PR professional. With the help of money related courses, such as personal finance and accounting, I am aware of being financially secure and knowledgeable for both my present and future self. Also, computer-related classes such as web design and adobe sparked my interest in the communication and public relations industry. I will continue to improve my skills by utilizing the knowledge I had learned in those specific courses into my current teachings and employment. I am truly thankful for the CTE classes that initiated both my educational and professional journey."

Tonay Armstrong
College: Elizabeth City State University
Major: Birth through Kindergarten Education
Goal: To become a teacher at an elementary school for kindergarten students.
"CTE prepared me for one of the most significant things in college by allowing me to get hands on experience in different areas which helped me decide my major."

Justin Bennett
College: Beaufort County Commuity College
Major: Associates Degree in Information Technology
Internship: The SoundSide Group
"During my time as a high school student, I took many CTE courses including, Accounting I, Personal Finance, Business Law, Microsoft Word & PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel & Access, Photoshop, STEM, Intro to Information Technology, and a few others. After taking so many CTE courses, I can honestly say that they are some of the most valuable classes that the school has to offer. These CTE courses taught me many skills that I now use daily. Some of the skills I learned include how to use Microsoft Office products efficiently, how to write professional emails, how to manage money, how to present in front of an audience, what a contract is and when it is and is not legally enforceable. I would highly recommend any student who is seeking a college degree or planning to enter the workforce to take as many CTE courses as possible. I would also recommend that the school continue to pour resources into and support the CTE program."

Darrell M. Andrews Jr.
College: Senior at Elizabeth City State University
Major: Accounting
Future Desires/Dreams: CPA, Personal Financial Accountant, Real Estate
"CTE classes allowed me to figure out a piece of my purpose in life. These courses allowed me to figure out what I wanted to do in the future, alongside developing a plan for the future. Further developing the skills I already process allowed me to find my true career callings. These courses brought out some of the best pieces of me in career development aspects."