
Phone: 252-793-5171 office
Dear WCS Community,
I am excited to welcome you to the beginning of the 2023-24 school year. Our theme, “Lifting as we Climb” implies that we must be intentional in our efforts to support one another and ensure that we provide access and opportunity to our students and staff to develop in them the capacity necessary for individual and collaborative learning. For that reason, I know that we will experience growth over last year’s achievements.
This year we will focus on 1) attendance, 2) behavior, and 3) academic achievement. First, attendance; if students are not in school, they cannot learn. Therefore, the expectation is that students are in school, on-time, and ready to learn. Next, behavior; we need students to be on-task and actively engaged in the learning process. If they are being disruptive, they not only interfere with their own learning, but that of their peers. And, lastly, academic achievement; as a learning organization, Washington County Schools is intently interested in ensuring that our students succeed in the classroom, and we will make every effort to maximize the teaching and learning experience for our staff and students. To ensure that we are fulfilling this promise, we will look at “real-time” data throughout the year to inform our decision-making as it comes to your child’s instruction within the classroom. This will allow us to monitor every child’s academic progress.
The old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” couldn’t be more apt as we work toward the shared goal for our district…academic success for all students. For us to achieve this goal, we must be willing and able to work together. Our entire community must be focused on our schools’ success. As one of the pillars of our community, our schools must thrive for our community to do the same. We welcome open communication and feedback from our families on how we can continue to support your child’s needs. Therefore, I ask that our stakeholders join us in making the 2023-24 school year an unmitigated success that will serve as the foundation for many years to come.
Thank you in advance for your support and partnership for a successful 2023-24 school year!
Dr. David O. White
Interim Superintendent