English as a Second Language

WCS ESL Program's Goal:
The goal of the ESL program is to support English Learners' (ELs') attaining English Language proficiency.
To assist ELs to achieve academic success by meeting grade-level promotion standards and graduation requirements.
To help ELs become College and Career Ready.
State References
NC English Language Development Program
Program Placement
During initial enrollment, the parent or guardian completes the Home Language Survey. Students with a dominant language other than English are given an assessment called the WAPT/WIDA Screener within the first 30 days of school or 14 days of enrollment. this assessment measures the child's English Language Proficiency. Eligibility for the ESL program is determined based on these assessment results.
English Learners LEP Plans
English Learners (ELs) who qualify for ESL services of WCS will acquire an individualized instructional plan that is created and implemented by the ESL Teacher. The ESL teacher will create a plan annually within the first 30 days of school for all qualifying ELs. Plans include ACCESS test scores, classroom modifications, assessment accommodations, and information regarding specific ESL services the child will receive based on assessment results. This plan is shared with administrators, teachers, support staff and parents.
ESL services may consist of the following (based on the students' needs):
Flexible English language instruction (within or outside of the classroom)
Collaboration between the ESL Teacher and Content Teachers
Monitoring of academic progress
Assessing language skills
Providing language resources to Content Teachers.
ACCESS 2.0 Assessment
(2021-2022 ACCESS Testing Window: February-March)
North Carolina requires all ESL students to take the ACCESS 2.0 Test in the Spring. The ACCESS test assesses English Learners' (ELs') Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing skills in English. Assessment results are shared with teachers and parents.
How do students exit the ESL Program?
ESL students must attain the following scores on the ACCESS test to exit the ESL program:
Overall/Composite= 4.8
Support for Exited Students
ESL Teacher will monitor exited students for 4 years and provide language support as needed.
For more information, please contact:
Michele Brickhouse, ESL Coordinator at mbrickhouse@wcsnc.org 252.793.5171 ext. 1107.
Victor Gonzales, ESL Teacher at vgonzalez@wcsnc.org